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  HRM Policy

HR Management vision of Plalloy MTD B.V.

Result-focused, enterprising and people focused - these are the foundations of Plalloy’s personnel policy.

     - At Plalloy this means:   Each person is responsible for his or her own development, with support from the company.

     - For Plalloy this means: A company in which all employees have the opportunity to learn and develop.


1. Plalloy is result-focused
The individual result serves the collective result. Results are achieved together.

2. Plalloy is enterprising
Creativity and professionalism are stimulated. Employees are cost-conscious and risk-conscious, they want to seize opportunities and learn from their mistakes.

3. Plalloy is people-focused
Employees treat each other with openness and interest, while the individuality of each is respected as a thing of value. Honesty and trust lie at the basis of mutual cooperation in teams.


Management and employees invest in a relationship for the long term. This commits management to invest in employees, through:

  •  ensuring that the workplace is safe;
  •  offering them interesting and satisfying work;
  •  enabling them to develop their skills and gain experience;
  •  giving them the authority they need to be able to do their work well;
  •  coaching them.

The personnel invest in themselves by:

  •  working safely;
  •  working well;
  •  developing their knowledge and skills by attending courses and training, and moving on to other  functions, if  possible;
  •  living up to the responsibilities and authorities they are assigned.

Carreer Policy
The right employee at the right place at the most suitable moment. This is central to our company’s appointment and promotion policy, a policy that is also targeted at aligning the interests and possibilities of the individual employee with those of the organisation.

For Plalloy, the personnel are the key to the company’s success. That is why we invest in the development of their knowledge, skills and attitudes. There are many possibilities:

  • Within production, shipping, technical services, laboratory and the office environment, extensive on-the-job-training  programmes are in place.
  • Production personnel, meeting certain prerequisites, may follow vapro courses.
  • Personnel from technical services can follow a variety of courses, which reflect the development of the production machinery in use.
    Plalloy itself provides the training for a forklift operator’s license, mandatory for store personnel, as well as for some of the  production and technical services personnel.
  • Management follow the training course “Manager”, in which the Plalloy standards and values take a central role.